Our team is driven by passion and precision
Marcus Edwards
CEO, Co-Founder
Murat Aydos
CTO, Co-Founder
Alperen Cakmak
Software Engineer
Aysel Babazade
Software Engineer
Batur Öner
Software Engineer
Boran Șahindal
Software Engineer
Burak Sümer
QA Engineer
Ebrar Karadeniz
Software Engineer
Ersin Kıymaz
Product Designer
Estefania Cabral
Software Engineer
Federico Sinisi
DevOps Engineer
Furkan Yılmaz
Software Engineer
Gülce Önder
Software Engineer
Hershy Kulkarni
Chief of Staff
Ibrahim Sagiroglu
Software Engineer
Josef Zimanzl
Lead Designer
Kadir Pamukçu
Software Engineer
Kevin Zhang
Software Engineer
Lizzy Cizunas
Customer Success
Maureen Lutz
Implementation Lead
Thaddeus Stewart
Lead Software Engineer

Our Values


Customer empathy

Providing real product support fitting of those who serve. We build in response to our real customer needs.

Simple innovation

The best solution wins, and diverse teams find the best solutions

Proactive feedback

Learning is everyone’s responsibility. We’re passionate about progress and will provide constructive feedback without hesitation.

Urgent actions

Working on the right things at the right time. We move with purpose and agility, embracing the 80/20 principle.

Product ownership

Every team member is a product owner. We are invested in the process and the output of our work from Day 1.

Foundational questions

Questioning everything at every level. We don’t hold back and make sure our assumptions are always in check.

Life, above all

Sharing the load. We make sure all of our team members are able to live expansively outside of the office.

Ready to get started?

Learn how Stationwise can help streamline back office operations from staffing to reports.